Mark is spending a few days in Wenatchee, Washington to get some Energy Rush TV editing done and also cover the 4th Annual Power Up! Summit. The summit is put together by Advance Vehicle Innovations (PluginCenter.com), which in turn is sponsored by the Port of Chelan County. The AVI Consortium actually includes fourteen agencies from Washington's Chelan and Douglas counties and many private and public partners throughout the state and nation.
These folks get it, more so than virtually any other government entity anywhere. They've been promoting the electrification of transportation since before most people were even aware there was such a thing. This year's Power Up! conference is bigger and better than ever. According to Ron Johnston-Rodriguez, the Port's Director of Economic Development and PluginCenter, this summit's agenda is "packed with the latest information from innovators in plug-in hybrids, battery technologies, charging stations, fleet applications, 'smart' grid integration of electric vehicles and renewables, industry training, career opportunities and more."
Wenatchee is truly a wonderful place, with plentiful sunshine, friendly people, rivers, mountains, blue skies and, yes, cheap electricity. Learn more about Wenatchee here.
Sheri' and Mark just purchased a fantastic Toyota Prius this week, so the timing for covering this Wenatchee conference is right. Our new Hybrid is bright white, just like the one pictured above (but without the signage, and without Ron Johnston-Rodriguez behind the wheel). Also, ours doesn't get 100+ m.p.g. (well, it does when it's going downhill!).
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